Every new payday, you fold pay slips, put them into envelopes, and individually distribute them to your employees. This tedious process takes up a considerable amount of time - time which could be spent doing something far more productive
Using data compiled by your Acomba, Avantage, Omni or Finances ACCEO municipal payroll solution, MyPaycheque.net makes it possible to send all kinds of information to your employees at once.
The information you need to circulate is sent to a secure, customized portal which employees can access whenever they choose, from wherever they wish.
Their pay slips and their T4 and RL-1 slips via e-mail.
and reports instantly and from anywhere through a secure Web portal.
payroll slips, communications and reports.
sent by your employees (time sheets, expense accounts, vacation schedules).
and define the distribution date using the post-dated transmission feature.
using a useful links and documents section that you can customize.
and pay slip handling time.
by reducing your paper consumption.